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Board of Selectmen Minutes 03/21/2017

The Board of Selectman held a Regular Meeting at 4:00 pm on March 21, 2017 in the Meeting Hall of the Old Lyme Memorial Town Hall. First Selectman Bonnie Reemsnyder, Selectwoman Mary Jo Nosal and Selectman Skip Sibley were present.

  • Approval of Minutes:
 March 6, 2017 Regular Meeting Minutes
A motion was made by Selectman Sibley, seconded by Selectwoman Nosal, to approve the minutes of the February 22, 2017. Motion passed.
March 13, 2017 Special Meeting Minutes
Selectwoman Nosal noted there was no attachment to the minutes as reflected in the minutes. First Selectman Reemsnyder stated she would resubmit them and make sure it was added to the website.        
A motion was made by Selectwoman Nosal, seconded by Selectman Sibley, to approve the minutes of the March 13, 2017 Special Meeting as amended. Motion passed.
  • Communication:  Megan Griffin
First Selectman Reemsnyder reported she has received a letter from resident, Megan Griffin requesting the Town of Old Lyme consider becoming a sanctuary city. She read the letter and added she has received other comments on this subject as well and suggested they put this on a future agenda to discuss further. Selectwoman Nosal added she has received emails as well and would also like to discuss this further.

3.    Appointments:  
Maureen Hasely-Jones (D) Conservation Commission – 3-year term to January 2018
A motion was made by Selectwoman Nosal, seconded by Selectman Sibley, to appoint Maureen Hasely-Jones to the Conservation Commission. Motion passed.
A motion was made by Selectman Sibley, seconded by Selectwoman Nosal, to move item 5 a. Stanley Kolber regarding Rogers Lake Nutrient Analysis up on the agenda. Motion passed.
5. a. Rogers Lake: Request for Nutrient Analysis
First Selectman Reemsnyder gave an overview of her conversation with Mr. Stanley Kolber who had asked about the weed treatment at Rogers Lake and the possibility of having a Nutrient Analysis completed. She made him aware of the Rogers Lake Authority who oversees any work being done in the lake because it resides in both the Town of Old Lyme and Lyme. She did reach out after their conversation and got a quote for a nutrient analysis. The quote was for $10,000 and she then reached out to the First Selectman of Lyme to see if he  would be interested in splitting the cost of this and the Town of Lyme is not interested in budgeting for this at this time. Mr. Kolber had also asked what the costs were for the weed treatment and First Selectman Reemsnyder reported the total costs after the grant they received were $8,300. He had also asked about getting the opinion of the Towns Counsel. First Selectman Reemsnyder replied she was not ready to go that route at this time as they are very tied up at this time. The question was regarding the Town’s legal responsibilities for paying for the weed treatment and future obligations and the answer is yes. He had also asked if the pesticide will permanently take care of the weeds (milfoil and fanwart). She responded that it will take care of the weeds through the season and the hope is that after 3 years of treatment they will see less growth of the weeds. First Selectman Reemsnyder also addressed his question regarding Town of Lyme requirements for having septic tanks pumped. The Town of Lyme does not currently require residents to have their septic tanks pumped, but the Town of Old Lyme requires septic tanks to be pumped at least every 7 years.
First Selectman Reemsnyder invited Mr. and Mrs. Kolber to address the BOS regarding his request for a nutrient analysis on Rogers Lake. He believes it is long past the time a holistic water shed study and nutrient analysis of Rogers Lake be completed. He referenced findings from studies completed for the BOS in 2016 after the 1st application had been completed; a report prepared in 2002; March 2014 minutes from the Rogers Lake Authority meeting and their findings and recommendations including; monitoring planning goals; cultural impact; completing a watershed study; and evaluating funding for infrastructure improvements. He also referenced Publications developed by the CT Department of Energy and Environmental Protection for towns with lakes.
First Selectman Reemsnyder responded by saying she does not disagree with him and they had originally received a quote of $65,000 for the EPA 9-element Watershed Study and the Town of Old Lyme cannot absorb the cost alone. They decided to move forward to begin with treating the weeds and the selectmen agree it is best to see this through for all 3 years. She did recommend Mr. Kolber attend a BOF meeting to make his case as well.
They went on to discuss; septic tank pumping requirements, mandating the planting of buffers, having a conversation with the Town of Lyme, storm water runoff, considering other options to measure and monitor; utilizing Ledge Light Health District as a possible resource and the possibility of forming a committee to further explore some of the ideas above.

4.   Old Business:
  • Boathouse Hains Park Improvements
First Selectman Reemsnyder reported they continue to make progress on the boathouse. The electricity account has been straightened out and is back in the District’s name and has the same account number. The phone line has also been installed to provide service for the security and alarm system.
The Town Building official has inspected the inside of the boat house and found it to be in compliance but the outside emergency lights still need to be installed. Once the Fire Marshal completes his inspection and approves everything, the CO will be in place.
In regards to the Lease, First Selectman Reemsnyder reported she has received the final document back from the Town Attorney with a few changes and wants to sit down in person with the school district to review the changes face to face to finalize the agreement.

Selectman Sibley pointed out he had requested a copy of the draft lease agreement and has not received it yet. First Selectman Reemsnyder replied she had just received the changed copy from the Town Attorney and thought she should wait until the changes had been approved.
Selectman Sibley also noted the agreement between the School District and the Rowing Association is being worked on.
He also announced the Fundraising Committee met again last week and has selected a date for the re-dedication and ribbon cutting ceremony for Saturday, May 6, 2017 at Noon and shared the invitation that will be sent out. He added the plaque with the list of donations will not be ready to be put into place at that time.

  • Rte. 156 Bikeway/Sound View Improvements
First Selectman Reemsnyder reported the State has a positive view of the changes that have been made in the drainage plans, but does not have official approval yet. The contractor has been on site today and yesterday. They have brought in some of the excavating equipment, but are waiting for approval from the state.
Selectwoman Nosal reported the communications between the inspector and the DOT have been positive. They will be scheduling a preconstruction meeting and work will resume work as soon as the weather permits.
Selectman Sibley asked for an update on the extension of time B& W requested.  First Selectman Reemsnyder replied that would be decided by the DOT as part of the change. He asked if they still felt confident with the Memorial Day deadline.
Selectwoman Nosal replied she feels confident, and has no reason to think otherwise. They will bring in additional crews if needed.
She added the next meeting is scheduled for next Monday and the inspector has been invited to join to address any questions regarding the changes in the drainage plan.

  • Administrative Order/WPCA Update
First Selectman Reemsnyder added she had no update at this time, last week’s meeting was cancelled due to the blizzard. The next meeting of the WPCA is Wednesday evening and they are still waiting for the plan approval. The engineers are still working on the EIS and she will keep this on the agenda for further updates. Selectwoman Nosal asked if there was a deadline for this and First Selectman Reemsnyder replied she didn’t think so, they will just continue to work on it back and forth until it is completed.

  • No Smoking Policy
First Selectman Reemsnyder shared the recommendations made by the Town Attorney to the draft of the No Smoking Policy discussed at the last meeting. She provided the Selectman a copy (along with a copy with the red-line changes) of the policy with changes and recommended the BOS review the document thoroughly so they can possibly approve it at the next meeting. She will also forward the email she received from the attorney who reviewed and made the recommendations for changes to the policy.
The BOS discussed the policy vs an ordinance. Without an ordinance in place they cannot issue citations or tickets and have no enforcement capability. The BOS agree the Policy is short and to the point and is a step in the right direction. They also agree that signage will help with compliance.

  • Update on New Resident Trooper
First Selectman Reemsnyder reported they have a new Resident Trooper for Old Lyme, however she cannot release the information yet, as this is still going through the State process. She shared they interviewed 6 candidates selected from a list of 10 interested candidates. The interview process was very impressive, each candidate was given a scenario (based on the OL beaches) in advance and prepared a presentation to the interview committee along with other individual questions and the HR process.  She did report that they are still on track for having the new Resident Trooper in place for April 1st and hopefully he will be able to spend some time with Trooper Inglis before he leaves.
She will let the BOS know as soon as she has more information.

5.  New Business:
  • Rogers Lake: Request for Nutrient Analysis - Move up on the agenda
  • LED Lights Pilot Program
First selectman Reemsnyder reported the LED lights have been installed (2 manufacturers) on Lyme Street, McCurdy Road and Halls Road. Ribbons have been put on the poles (red and Yellow) to help residents differentiate which lights are preferred.
She is still working on the survey and has given a copy to the Selectmen and the committee. She hopes to get this out ASAP so they can begin to get feedback. Once they have feedback they will choose a manufacturer.
She has also been looking at the lights (not on the map) to determine which are Town lights and which are on private property. She also asked if anyone had any recommendations on where additional lights are needed.
Selectman Sibley strongly recommends that a street light be added at the end of the road by the Lyme Academy College housing, across the street from the main College entrance.
He also asked if First Selectman Reemsnyder had an opportunity to speak with the Historic Commission to make them aware of the pilot project lights. She confirmed she had a conversation with the Chairman last week.
Selectwoman Nosal asked if the Audit that was completed made recommendations for additional light or for lights to be moved?
First Selectman Reemsnyder reported she has not had that conversation with them yet and believes that will be part of the next step.
She also added she has already received a request for a street light to be added on Lyme Street by the Art Association.

6.   Public Comment: None

7.   Other Business:
First Selectman Reemsnyder reported she received the official notification from the State Historic Preservation office on 3/16/2017 that they have been awarded the Survey Grant.
Although they had discussed having SHIPO come to provide a presentation she feels they would receive more pertinent information if they invited John Pfeiffer, Chairman of the Historic Commission to discuss the survey. After discussion, the BOS agree this would be the best route to take.

First Selectman Reemsnyder reported she has been working with the Trash and Recycling Committee on their recommendation to get trash and recycle bins for the parks, beginning with White Sands beach and Hains Park to see how this works. She has been working with Brenda Moriarty and they have settled on containers which will have the Old Lyme logo and the tag line that says “Don’t trash our future - recycle”. They have ordered 7 units (they come in pairs) for $2500 (they were able to find the money in the budget) which includes delivery. They will be in place by mid-April and public works will empty the containers (using clear bags for recycles and black bags for trash).

First Selectman Reemsnyder shared that she was notified that two young men will be attaining the rank of Eagle Scout this year. The proclamation and award ceremony will take place on May 7th. She will make copies for the Selectmen.

First Selectman Reemsnyder reported that the Solid Waste and Recycle Committee have been working very hard for the last year on reviewing the solid waste and recycling ordinance. They have submitted a red lined document with their recommendation for changes to the ordinance.  First Selectman Reemsnyder reported that Town Ordinances need to go through the process of a Town Meeting. She will send the Selectmen a copy of their recommendations and they will look at them at a future meeting.

Selectman Sibley asked if there were any updates on the FRA’s final decision on the bypass.  First Selectman Reemsnyder stated she has not heard anything official yet. However she was in communication with the Executive Director of the RiverCOG this morning who had attended a meeting in Hartford where the Commissioner of the DOT was the speaker and he stated to the audience that the bypass will not happen. This is not definitive yet.

Selectwoman Nosal asked if they as a board were going to take on the approval for the security grant for Oak Ridge Beach prior to the BOF discussions. First Selectman Reemsnyder replied yes, they should. She will put this on their next agenda for discussion and will make sure they have all the information need.

Selectwoman Nosal asked if there was any further information on the Osprey Festival. First Selectman Reemsnyder replied she has not heard anything yet.

8.   Executive Session: None

9.   Adjournment:    
A motion was made by Selectman Sibley, seconded by Selectwoman Nosal, to adjourn at 5:42 pm. Motion passed.
Respectfully submitted,
Patti Broedlin